Meet Me at the River is a series of dance portraits of local people living in the Bulkley Valley.

We are all movers - even if we don’t always recognize ourselves as dancers. Miriam Colvin, Katie Wertz and Robin Lough met with folks along the river and choreographed 15 to 30 second movement portraits in collaboration with community members. A portrait features the movements and words of each participating artist.

The project is relevant to what’s happening currently in the world. Fearing infection from COVID and actualizing self-isolation are seeding disconnection with the community and, even with ourselves.

This project invites (re)connection. The movement portraits are shared in the community through video / web platforms.

Meet Me By The River: Micropodcast
MIriam Colvin, Robin Lough

 Thank you to BV Concert Association, BV Community Arts Council, BC Touring and BC Arts Council.