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Myriad Dance Projects

Established in 2008, Myriad Dance Projects (MDP) became a not-for-profit society in 2018.

MDP has a fabulous Board of Directors (2023) - including Katie Wertz, Laura Guilllon, Robin Lough and Shannon Finnegan.

MDP’s Artistic Director is Miriam Colvin. Drawing from many artistic influences, Miriam facilitates choreographic processes that invite individual voice, ensemble listening, articulate bodies and room for improvisation.

Her artistic practice has been shaped both by a sense of the remote, a love of this landscape, and an engagement with our rural cultural diversity. Place and geography have become central to her work.


MDP works from the values of Respect, Collaboration, and Community.

We share a responsibility to align with protocol of the communities we work with and the land we work upon. We work at the pace of trust and build collaborations centred on long-term relationality and mutual respect. We ask permissions, question assumptions, and challenge one another. Collaboration occurs at every stage of the work from idea development to creation and production. Each of MDP’s work is built on lessons learned from past projects and strengthened by shared expertise offered by community partners. Our strategy in creating professional projects deeply rooted in community is to ask community members to act as ambassadors, bringing competencies and connections reaching far beyond our own circles.

to advance the public’s appreciation of the arts by producing public art presentations and contemporary dance events, and by providing a forum for artists to present or perform their artistic works through participation in such events.
- to advance education by providing structured learning activities such as courses, instructional seminars, and workshops about contemporary dance, and by providing opportunities for emerging artists to publicly exhibit, present, or perform their works, or develop their skills in conjunction with these learning activities.